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Post Tagged with Social Media Marketing

Facebook is Changing the Game…Again.

By Angelene Posted in - Social Media on January 12th, 2015

We’ve been implementing successful social media marketing programs for our clients in the luxury real estate industry for over four years. We use our own proprietary content formula and targeting experience to hone in on the real estate buyer, make them aware of our projects and the lifestyle each affords. We network with affiliates and drive cross-promotion through social channels, gaining third party credibility. We’ve figured out how to make it work for us, for our industry. And now, Facebook has slightly changed the rules on us. It’s now, more important than ever, to have an experienced social marketer develop and help you implement a strategic plan for your business. It’s still necessary to cultivate qualified databases of “likes” on…

Country Club Membership Recruiting for the Future

By Laurie Andrews Posted in - Advertising & Media & Networking & Real Estate & Social Media on December 3rd, 2013

Today’s marketing programs for golf and country clubs must be very different compared to how we have marketed prior to the recent recession. Most clubs were originally geared towards a specific demographic and psychographic profile- the Silent Generation born between 1925 and 1942. These profiles have shifted during the downturn, which is why membership recruitment strategies must shift as well. The previously targeted buyer profile has aged, and with that the referral base has diminished. The life and future of your club depends on how well you can “young it up” to appeal to the next market. Not only will the younger market be around longer to enjoy the club, but the projected revenue stream of a 40 – 50…