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Post Tagged with brand

Brand Extensions: Do they make sense?

By Angelene Posted in - Advertising & Real Estate on January 2nd, 2013

You’ve already been successful. Built a community. Built a following. Built a reputation. Built a brand. Now you want to build another community; should you use the same brand or create a new one? Building a brand is expensive; it takes money and time. Once you’ve spent all that time, budget and energy creating a great brand, shouldn’t you just use it again, leverage its power and your spend and name your new community with the same branding? It’s a question many real estate marketers are constantly trying to answer because the truth is, it depends. Is your newer product comparable to your older product? Will this new product sell for a lower price, thus lowering the perceived value of…

Design vs. Content – Finding the Right Balance for Luxury Products Online

By developer Posted in - Web on May 23rd, 2011

In the expansive world that is the Internet, the ultimate goal is to get noticed and look good when you do. Getting noticed, of course, is of the upmost importance and SEO is a key factor in this, but at what point should we allow a site’s SEO to start to limit its presentation and design? Well, if approached properly, you should be able to fulfill the vision for your site’s look while still getting plenty of attention and results. The key here is to understand the buyer. Understanding your buyer will greatly benefit you in reaching them. Who are they? How do they use the Internet? What sites do they visit for information? And most importantly, how do they…