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Post Tagged with business

Jump onto the Platform or Drown: Social Media Platforms

By Alexis Posted in - Media & Public Relations & Social Media on July 11th, 2011

If you were to ask businesses across the country about market research and advertising 20 years ago, they would have said, “I think we know what people want.” Well, 20 years later they know what consumers want, and in a big way. The marketing and advertising schemes involving door-to-door sales and community events are definitely coming to a screeching halt. The internet is now the community and social platforms are now the marketplaces. As businesses develop, they understand that they can no longer afford to be one-dimensional. For every one customer in person, companies can obtain 10 at the same time via social communities online. As long as a company has a product that the right people want, they will have…

Have You Seen This Weird Thing in Advertising Lately?

By Alexis Posted in - Advertising & Media & Networking & Social Media & Uncategorized on June 28th, 2011

These interesting looking icons are “QR” Codes. QR is short for Quick Response. This technology is definitely not new, but it is becoming more popular in the United States as smart phones take over the marketplace. This two-dimensional code, made up of squares and patterns, is a shortcut that can be read through your phone’s camera once you have downloaded the software. In fact, the next generation iPhone will come equipped with the QR reader program already installed. As you hold your phone over the code, your camera will read the code and automatically take you to a website or webpage, launch a video, play music or a game. The Barcode News recently released statistics that show a 4,549% growth in…

Never leave Accounting on the Back Burner

By Alexis Posted in - Advertising & Media & Networking & Social Media & Uncategorized on March 7th, 2011

Between year-end, New Year resolutions, and tax season; this is a popular time for accounting. In both our business and personal lives we are taking a closer look at our finances. Receipts are carefully organized rather than stuffed in glove compartments. Budgets are being created and financial statements meticulously examined. But much like our diligent flossing begins to dwindle a month after each dentist appointment, our focus on accounting begins to take a back seat as the year goes on and we are sidetracked by other projects and deadlines. So, as we enter deeper into 2011, let’s take a look at why the financial health of a company is so important, and what we can do to avoid breaking our…

A Second Opinion

By Alexis Posted in - Advertising & Media & Networking & Public Relations & Real Estate & SEO & Social Media & Uncategorized & Web on February 28th, 2011

A recent post suggested “7 Things That Annoy Website Visitors.” Experience has taught us that, “one size does not fit all.”  Neither does one set of guidelines. As a leading sales and marketing agency, providing services to developers of luxury real estate since 1983, Cotton & Company takes pride in the quality and performance of the custom websites created for its clients. Focusing upon lifestyle, each website is an attempt to create a vivid representation of the personal comfort and joy to be found as a resident of that particular community.The buyer of a one-of-a-kind, $17 million, oceanfront penthouse does not share the same perspective as the individual who is trying to find the best price for Duracell® Batteries. Commodity buyers have…

Online Business Resource Sites

By Alexis Posted in - Media & Networking & Public Relations & Social Media & Uncategorized & Web on February 17th, 2011

It’s Easy to Forget the Little ThingsIt is easy to forget the little things. When you are part of a large organization and have multiple clients sometimes things can fall through the cracks. For example, your website and your Facebook may remain up to date, but those aren’t the only places where potential customers can find you online. There are numerous online resource sites that show local and national business listings. Many of those sites post business information without actually contacting the company. It is then your job to go online, find those sites and check your company’s profile. Are you listed? If so, is the contact information correct? Are your company’s services correctly explained? For some sites it is simply a…

Tell Me More

By Alexis Posted in - Advertising & Public Relations on February 4th, 2011

How to Establish Credibility with Assignment Editors and Producers  When a publicist calls a contact on behalf of a client and asks, “Do you have a minute, I have a story that might work for you?” If the producer, editor or writer says, “Sure, what do you have for me?” you actually have less than a minute. You have one sentence in which to pitch your story. John Resnick, an Associated Press editor, is generous with the one-sentence pitch; Resnick is actually open to a two-sentence pitch, he says: “When you pitch a story to me, give me two-sentences, maybe, but after that, I’m going to throw a lot of questions your way, I’m going to want to know about the…