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Post Tagged with Success

Country Club Membership Recruiting for the Future

By Laurie Andrews Posted in - Advertising & Media & Networking & Real Estate & Social Media on December 3rd, 2013

Today’s marketing programs for golf and country clubs must be very different compared to how we have marketed prior to the recent recession. Most clubs were originally geared towards a specific demographic and psychographic profile- the Silent Generation born between 1925 and 1942. These profiles have shifted during the downturn, which is why membership recruitment strategies must shift as well. The previously targeted buyer profile has aged, and with that the referral base has diminished. The life and future of your club depends on how well you can “young it up” to appeal to the next market. Not only will the younger market be around longer to enjoy the club, but the projected revenue stream of a 40 – 50…

It’s brainSTORMING!

By Alexis Posted in - Advertising & Media & Networking & Social Media on August 15th, 2011

The philosophy “two ideas are better than one” is more than just a saying, it is a practice. When the clouds are dark and the rain is too heavy to see further than two feet in front of you, brainstorm. Brainstorming serves many purposes; it creates new ideas, solves problems, motivates and develops teams. Have you ever been in an environment where everyone seems to be working against one another? When you engage people from all branches of the company a sense of involvement is generated and a team environment is formed even without knowing it or purposely trying to. Motivation is formed because everyone wants his or her team to be successful and you can’t get there with an “I.”